Track is made from a series of slats encasing a zero stretch industrial strength belt. Felted exterior treads cushion users, and let Track roll quietly across any floor covering. Dense felting material on the inside makes Track easy and comfortable to handle, lift or move. The deep felting prevents potential pinch injuries and insulates the internal components.
The thick internal timber components—made from American Ash—provide the structural rigidity required for Track to lock and maintain form and function. Each slat is machined to sandwich and hide an industrial strength belt that binds the collection of felted wooden slats together. These thick cushioned internal slats carry out Track’s engineering functions.
We have seen closed track systems
in our homes before, in earthmoving toys, so we intuitively understand how Track works. But the hidden belting means that Track presents as a visual conundrum. It intrigues and draws users into further engagement—initially with some trepidation, then joyful glee and emotional satisfaction.
Track, intriguing, versatile, innovative— a new classic.